Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Group Achievement Awards Certificate

Kent Advanced nominated for the 2010 Group Achievement Awards Certificate

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Toys Run to Demelza Hospice at Sittingbourne

Christmas greetings from all the members of the KAMG to everyone at Demelza Hospice for Children
Father Christmases galore
It's Mummy Christmas
Simple but very effective - Geoff Walker's KTM Dressed and ready for action
Some of the riders arrive at the Hospice
The Riders before departure
Team Briefing at the Oasis Cafe
Saturday the 11 December 17 bikes, one car and 24 folk turned up this morning to ride down to Demelza House near Sittingbourne.
The weather was kind to us and the road surfaces were good even though the roadside was icy. A 40 minute ride saw us at the hospice handing over our gifts and donations to the staff and some of the young residents who came out to see the bikes – many of which were decorated with tinsel. We even had four Santa’s turn up (including a Mrs Santa!).
Many, many thanks to those that came out this morning to show off KAMG in such a good light. I look forward to seeing the pictures in the January Riders.
For those that could not make it (I know the weather stranded some at home) what about an Easter Egg Run!
Ian Burchell

This fantastic home is staffed by dedicated people that supply respite and end of life care to children from birth to 19 years. The KAMG delivered a wide range of presents and enjoyed a hot drink and mince pie on arrival. We had the privilege of meeting some of the children, parents and staff. and we wish them all a very happy Christmas.

The following pictures were taken on the day - If you see this blog and happened to be one of the riders and have pictures that you would like shown here please send them to the editor@kamg.org.uk Ed

Monday, 29 November 2010

Something special for our President Terry Friday

Our President Terry Friday receives his personalised sweatshirt presented by Karen Veness on behalf of the KAMG

November Guest Speaker Terry Rymer

World Superbike Endurance Champion Terry Rymer was our guest speaker at the November club night

November Club Night Green Badge passes

John Long receives his certificate from Nev Smith
World Endurance Champion Terry Rymer standing in for John Arnold
presents Paul Mylett with his certificate
Chris Powter presents Trevor Holmes with his certificate
Observer Mick Mills presents to Richard Godwin
John Gardiner presents Daniel Pratt with his certificate

Friday, 29 October 2010

October guest speaker Geoff Walker - Going round the bend.

Points to remember next time you are out on your bike
Geoff's version of a variable Rake BMW
Not quite your average KAMG Bike, but good to demonstrate the effects of steering
This child's toy is helpful in getting Geoff's point across

October club Night test passes and presentation pictures

A late image - picture shows our youngest member to be awarded his green badge, seen here is Harry Rush receiving his certificate from his observer John Gardiner
Joe Callaghan receives his certificate from Isabel Long
Chairman Ian Burchell with Isabel Long receiving his certificate
Christine Botley presented Isabel Long with our cheque and in return
received her own certificate in recognition for all her hard work
Geoff Walker raised an amazing £2,458.00 for Spinal Research
being presented with his certificate by Isabel Long, Well done Geoff.
Tim Lucas receives his certificate from Isabel Long
First up to receive his certificate was a very happy new Observer
Mick West pictured here with Isabel Long
Isabel Long from the charity Spinal Research came along and explained about the advancement in treating spinal injuries; she was also here to thank the KAMG and present several members of the 30-20-10 around Britain ride with certificates in recognition of their achievements in money raised for the charity.
Tony Young presents Mike Gallafent with his Green Badge certificate
Observer Mike Stapley presents Pieter Halbertsma with his certificate
Dave Parker standing in for Brian Wilson with Sean Murphy receiving his certificate
Dave Parker standing in for Keith Powell presents Dave May with his certificate at the October club night

Friday, 1 October 2010

September club night Test passes

Ian Burchell presents to Graham Peckham
Phil Rush with Stuart Holman
Tony Pierce presents to Jon Moreau
Owen Cashin with Bob Gamble
Brian Lavery and Mike Stapley
Dave Parker presents to Graham Warner on behalf of John Arnold
Tony Bullard presents to Paul Smith

Sunday, 19 September 2010

A Chateau in Luxembourg

Join Dave in Luxembourg

In June of next year 2011 Dave Murphy will lead a short 5 day tour
to Vianden in Luxembourg on the banks of the Mosel,
these pictures will show you some of what to expect.
(Important, the correct dates and prices are in the November issue of Riders 174)
Check with Dave Murphy if you have not received your copy by the end of November
Vianden Castle

The old town centre

Visit this stunning region of Luxembourg
All mod cons available
Vianden Castle
The beautiful Mosel river

Friday, 27 August 2010

August 2010 test pass

Igor Velickovic collects his certificate from his observer John Arnold.