Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Group Achievement Awards Certificate

Kent Advanced nominated for the 2010 Group Achievement Awards Certificate

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Toys Run to Demelza Hospice at Sittingbourne

Christmas greetings from all the members of the KAMG to everyone at Demelza Hospice for Children
Father Christmases galore
It's Mummy Christmas
Simple but very effective - Geoff Walker's KTM Dressed and ready for action
Some of the riders arrive at the Hospice
The Riders before departure
Team Briefing at the Oasis Cafe
Saturday the 11 December 17 bikes, one car and 24 folk turned up this morning to ride down to Demelza House near Sittingbourne.
The weather was kind to us and the road surfaces were good even though the roadside was icy. A 40 minute ride saw us at the hospice handing over our gifts and donations to the staff and some of the young residents who came out to see the bikes – many of which were decorated with tinsel. We even had four Santa’s turn up (including a Mrs Santa!).
Many, many thanks to those that came out this morning to show off KAMG in such a good light. I look forward to seeing the pictures in the January Riders.
For those that could not make it (I know the weather stranded some at home) what about an Easter Egg Run!
Ian Burchell

This fantastic home is staffed by dedicated people that supply respite and end of life care to children from birth to 19 years. The KAMG delivered a wide range of presents and enjoyed a hot drink and mince pie on arrival. We had the privilege of meeting some of the children, parents and staff. and we wish them all a very happy Christmas.

The following pictures were taken on the day - If you see this blog and happened to be one of the riders and have pictures that you would like shown here please send them to the editor@kamg.org.uk Ed